Business Licenses

You have two options to pay your business license tax online with the City of Orangeburg.

State Business License PortalYou must have an SSN or FEIN on-file with the City.
City GovPossible PortalYou must have the ‘Online Access Code’ from your renewal letter; see the example below.

Applying for a Business License

The City of Orangeburg requires every person engaged or intending to engage in any calling, business, occupation, or profession in whole or in part within the limits of the city to pay an annual business license tax as provided in the city ordinance.

A valid business location is required for all new businesses located in or doing business within the city limits of Orangeburg. Applications are available online or at 979 Middleton Street.

Items Needed for City of Orangeburg Business License

Business license approvals required are dependent on the type of business and the physical location of the business.

You must display your business license in a visible place, so customers can see the license. Contractors and mobile businesses must have a copy of the license while working.

New businesses pay license taxes on projected gross income from the start of business date through April 30th of that year. State law mandates the taxes be paid on gross income without deductions for expenses incurred for costs, such as rents, salaries, cost of goods, and other operational expenses.

A separate license is required for each place of business or kind(s) of businesses within one location. If you hire anyone to do work in your business (remodeling, security, painting, lawn maintenance, plumbing, electrical, etc.), then they must have a City of Orangeburg business license. You may call to verify the status of a license for a job at (803) 539-3750.

Contractors and Subcontractors are two different persons or entities engaged in two different business activities. Each is subject to a license tax based upon the gross income received. General contractors are responsible for notifying their subcontractors of business license responsibilities or provide the City’s Revenue Coordinator with a list of your subcontractors, so they may be properly licensed to do business in the City of Orangeburg.

If you have coin-operated machines in your business and you collect the money, then you must have a license for these machines. You will be given a sticker to attach to your machine(s) for licensing purposes. If you do not collect the money for these machines, then contact the Finance Department with the company name so they can properly license each machine. Any coin-operated machine without a license will be subject to a penalty, as well as removal from the business.

A restaurant, grocery store, or business that handles food is required to obtain approval from the Department of Health and Environmental Control at (803)536-9060.

The ABC Licensing Department, SC Department of Revenue can be contacted at (803) 898-5864. You must obtain a permit from DOR if you are planning to serve alcoholic beverages, according to State Law.

Signs are not permitted in the public right of way including utility poles. Any signs in the right of way will be removed. If you have any questions, please call our Zoning Department at (803) 533-6010.

All licenses expire each April 30 and must be renewed every year.

Business License Renewal

Business Licenses are effective May 1 through April 30. Penalties of 5 percent are applied beginning on May 1 with an additional 5 percent every month thereafter. If you do not receive your renewal form, contact the Finance Department at (803)539-3750 . All renewal applications are subject to income verification. The City has the authority to request a copy of your federal and state income tax return to verify your reported gross income.

Business Changes & Closures

If your business moves to another location or the activity of your business changes, you need to notify the Finance Department immediately at (803)539-3750. All changes must be pre-approved by Zoning/Fire Marshall before any changes (location, owner, and name). If you fail to notify our office within the ten days before we visit or contact you, a $20. collector’s fee will be applied, and your location may not be approved.

The SC Department of Revenue must be notified at (803) 898-5000 of any changes made, and a new retail license must be obtained with the new changes.

A business license will not be issued for the new location or activity until all requirements are met.

If you close your business, your City of Orangeburg Business License must be closed out within thirty days. If you sell your business, the same applies. You also need to close your State Retail Tax License.

Important Numbers and Links

P.O. Box 387, Orangeburg SC 29116

979 Middleton Street, Orangeburg SC 29115

152 Market Street, Orangeburg, SC29115