In addition to the graphical capabilities described above, Abaqus/CAE allows you to write data to a text file in a tabular format. This feature is a convenient alternative to writing tabular output to the data ( .dat ) file. Output generated this way has many uses; for example, it can be used in written reports. In this problem you will generate a report containing the element stresses, nodal displacements, and reaction forces.
- From the main menu bar, select Report Field Output .
- In the Variable tabbed page of the Report Field Output dialog box, accept the default position labeled Integration Point . Click the triangle next to S: Stress components to expand the list of available variables. From this list, toggle on S11 .
- In the Setup tabbed page, name the report Frame.rpt . In the Data region at the bottom of the page, toggle off Column totals .
- Click Apply . The element stresses are written to the report file.
- In the Variable tabbed page of the Report Field Output dialog box, change the position to Unique Nodal . Toggle off S: Stress components , and select U1 and U2 from the list of available U: Spatial displacement variables.
- Click Apply . The nodal displacements are appended to the report file.
- In the Variable tabbed page of the Report Field Output dialog box, toggle off U: Spatial displacement , and select RF1 and RF2 from the list of available RF: Reaction force variables.
- In the Data region at the bottom of the Setup tabbed page, toggle on Column totals .
- Click OK . The reaction forces are appended to the report file, and the Report Field Output dialog box closes.